(CNN) - Thirty of the largest youth groups in America have joined together to create the Vote Again 2010 campaign, a non-partisan coalition encouraging youth voter turnout for the midterm elections.
The organizations include Rock the Vote, League of Young Voters, Head Count, Campus Progress, Voto Latino and the Energy Action Coalition. To encourage 18 to 30 year olds to vote, the organization brought in three of the most influential stars in social media to create a competition around creating the best YouTube video about getting involved in the political process.
Brittani Taylor , one of the 50 most subscribed people on YouTube, Tay Zonday, whose YouTube hit "chocolate rain" is one of the top watched videos with over 53 million views, and Jason Pollock, rated one of the most influential people on Twitter, created a YouTube video to in an effort to make voting go viral.
"We want to engage the youth movement around the idea of creating content to get the vote out," Pollock told CNN. "Here are all these youth groups who are engaging social media to try and getting the young people excited about voting."
The person who creates the best viral video that inspires participation or explains why young people should vote or get involved in the political process, before Election Day, will win $5,000.
"It is a way to keep the discussion going and remind people the youth vote is around and not going away," Pollock explained. "The youth vote is energized, activated and using social media to stay even more connected."
Vote Again 2010 spokeswoman Sara Haile-Mariam admits that keeping the youth interested in this campaign cycle is harder than the last election with Obama on the ballot.
"We knew that this year we'd have to think bigger and more creatively than we had in years past and we also knew that we'd have to start online," Haile-Mariam wrote in an e-mail.
Beyond the viral video competition, Vote Again 2010 aggregates online platforms that provide young people with various ways to get involved from the opportunity to ask candidates 10 questions, compare their stance on the issues to that of their legislators through the mobile application Visible Vote, and to plug in to events on the ground through Rock the Vote's live tool.